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อัครพล อร่ามเจริญ


The Red Cross is an affairs that widely known throughout the world and has a role in international affairs as a humanitarian organization perform both in peacetime and time at war. Red Cross Societies provides a relief for a victims and provides a public health services in many countries, under the same international sign, The Red Cross symbol on a white background or the Red Crescent (For Muslim countries)

In Thailand, there is also the operation of the Red Cross as well, in the name of "The Thai Red Cross Society" and There are 3 laws relating to the status, structure and authority of the Thai Red Cross Society which are currently in use, the Law on Thai Red Cross Society BE 2461, The Siamese Red Cross Act Amendment in BE 2463  and the Red Cross Act BE 2481

For the Thai Red Cross Society, The starting point for the operation. Including the first law that constituted and certified status of the Thai Red Cross Society was created since the absolute monarchy era when the royal power of the King and State’s power still counted as one. Later, when there was a change in political system and move to constitutional monarchy, Thai Red Cross Society is still associated with the monarchy .Changing of Political System did not amend or effect the law of the Thai Red Cross Society including structure and status of the Thai Red Cross Society, Relations of the Thai Red Cross Society and the monarchy were still the same. But in practice there have been changed and make the Thai Red Cross Society’s public characteristic appear more by the King has appointed the person to be the President and Vice President of the Thai Red Cross Society with a minister signing the Royal Command as if it were a part of the administrative affairs of the country

The legal status of the Thai Red Cross is even more complicated. when there is an amendment in 2550 BE which lead to define more public characteristics for the Thai Red Cross both in terms of property rights are not being under the execution and administrative enforcement including being a unit that can request budget directly from the government through the Annual Expenditure Budget Act

This article therefore aims to study to find the true legal status of the Thai Red Cross Society, from the study found that General characteristics of the universal Red Cross is one of the important characteristics that Red Cross have to be an autonomous status without being dominated or controlled by state or its government power and Red Cross Society must always be able to operate in accordance with the fundamental principles of the Red Cross at all time, therefore the Red Cross may associated with the state as a voluntary relief organization and as an advocate for the state in the humanitarian mission.

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