Measurement of the Support in the Development Stages of an Aspect-Oriented Software Product Line Framework
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A performance goal of a software product line (SPL) framework is the support in the development stages. In spite of its importance, previous researches do not formalise a way to measure this goal. This paper presents an algorithm based on four metrics that can be used to formalise the measurement of the support in the development stages of SPL frameworks. Specifically, this algorithm is applied in an aspect-oriented SPL framework that was presented in a previous research.
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Linda Northrop, “Reuse that Pays,” Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE’01), 2001. IEEE Computer Society, 2002.
John Bergey, Matt Fisher, Brian Gallagher, Lawrence Jones, and Linda Northrop, “Basic Concepts of Product Line Practice for the DoD,” Technical Note CMU/SEI-2000-TN-001, Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, 2000.
Marco Sinnema, et al, “COVAMOF: A Framework for Modeling Variability in Software Product Families,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3154/2004, pp. 197-213, 2004
Lisa Brownsword, Paul Clemens, and Ulf Olsson, “Successful Product Line Engineering: A Case Study,” Proceedings of the Software Technology Conference, Salt Lake City, April, 1996.