Internal Quality Assurance of Private Higher Education Institutions in Thailand: A Comparison of Quality Assessment Result in 2012
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This study compared the 2012 IQA assessment results of private higher education institutions in Thailand classified by institutional size, location, and category (local or international institution). In addition, the study compared Internal Quality Assurance (IQA) results and overall External Quality Assessment (EQA) results of private higher education institutions in Thailand with the performance of Asia-Pacific International University. The findings revealed that first, the overall level of internal quality assurance was at the ‘very good’ level: the institution received ‘very good’ level scores for six components. Second, there was a statistically significant difference of quality level in Administration and Management component related to differences in institutional size. Third, institutions located outside of the Bangkok Metropolitan Region had higher scores in Student Development Activities. Fourth, no differences in quality level between institutions emphasising Thai and English (international) medium programmes were found. Fifth, there was no relation between the quality levels of the IQA and EQA systems. Finally, the study found a high quality level of education in terms of inputs and processes at AIU when compared with other private higher educational institutions.
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