Student Evaluation of Teaching Effectiveness: Does Faculty Profile Really Matter?
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The purpose of this study was to examine whether faculty profile plays a role in student’s evaluation of teaching effectiveness. Specifically, this paper looks into the level and significant difference of teaching effectiveness among Western Visayas College of Science and Technology (WVCST) faculty when grouped according to gender, age, highest educational degree, length of service, academic rank and discipline. The samples were WVCST faculty members and students. Samples were derived by systematic and stratified and convenience sampling, respectively. Students were asked to evaluate and rate their teacher using “The QCE of NBC 461 Instrument for Instruction/Teaching Effectiveness”. Findings reveal that teaching effectiveness when grouped as to gender, age, highest educational degree, length of service, academic rank and discipline was “outstanding”. Teaching effectiveness yielded statistical difference between faculty gender, length of service, academic discipline and rank, but no statistical differences were found between age and highest educational degree.
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