The Effect of Seven Marketing Activity Levers (7As) and Expectations of Service on Hotel Service Performance in Thailand
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In the service sector of Thailand, evidence indicates that hotel businesses make the highest contribution to gross domestic product. To ensure that this growth is sustainable, hotel businesses should consider marketing activities as crucial tools. The purpose of this research was to observe the effects of seven marketing activity levers (anticipation, adaptation, alignment, activation, accountability, attraction, and asset management—7As) and service performance. Data were collected using a questionnaire from 255 hotel businesses in Thailand (128 from 3-star hotels and 127 from 4- to 5-star hotels). The data were analyzed using Confirmatory Factor Analysis to measure the impact of the 7As on hotel service performance. Structural Equation Modelling was also used to test the usefulness of a 7As model that had been developed from relevant studies. The results revealed differences in the relevance of the 7As between 3-star hotels (medium expectations) and 4- to 5-star hotels (high expectations). These findings indicate that hotel managers should organize suitable marketing activities relevant to a hotel’s rating. The findings may also be compared to other relevant industries so that generalizations may be considered.
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