Cultural Competency in Professional Nursing: Some Considerations for Thai Nurses
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The growing research focusing on cultural competency in the nursing profession necessitates a contextual evaluation of the Thai nursing profession. This paper gives an overview of the definitions, related concepts, and existing measures of cultural competency for nurses. Data was retrieved from electronic databases such as CINAHL, Science Direct, and ThaiLis. The inclusion criteria were peer-reviewed and primary source articles regarding cultural competency of nurses within the past 15 years since it is a time-sensitive subject. The findings revealed the levels of nurses’ awareness of the diverse ethnicity of the population and its impact on value conflict in health care. From the meta-analysis of the literature, it was found that cultural knowledge and strategies to gain cultural competency and to foster learning in the workplace remain minimally explored among Thai nurses. To conclude, this study proposes strategies in which cultural competence can be acquired and developed.
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