Time Management Capabilities of Undergraduate Students at a Private Thai University
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This research study examined the self-described time management capabilities of undergraduate students at a small private university in Thailand. Since completing a university degree requires taking many classes as well as participating in extracurricular activities, students need good time management skills to be successful. Developing such skills while they are still students will also help them to manage time effectively after they graduate and begin their professional lives. The research instrument used for collecting data was a five-rating scale questionnaire with 58 items. The sample consisted of 320 undergraduate students during the 2015/2016 academic year. These were classified by gender, age, program of study, year of study, cumulative grade point average (CGPA), residence accommodations, and means of financial support. The results show that students reported moderate levels of overall time management capabilities. In regards to planning time usage, female students reported a higher level of capability than male students did. In terms of formation of life objectives, students with government loans had higher scores than students who were self-financed.
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