How Young Consumers in Thailand Respond to Global Sporting Apparel Brands: The Mediation Effect of Self-Identification
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Competition in global markets is not only fierce, with rivalry among various brands in the same industry, but also because of the threat of an increasing number of counterfeit products. The concept of brand equity studies how brands may become more prominent in the marketplace. Thus, this study investigates the causal relationships of (i) brand awareness and brand image and; (ii) brand image and self-identification with global consumer culture. This study also examined the mediation effect of self-identification with global consumer culture on the relationship of brand image and loyalty. The research was conducted on 276 young Thai consumers asking about global sporting apparel brands. The statistical analysis used for hypothesis testing was regression analysis, with mediation testing included. The findings suggest that the relationship of brand awareness and brand image is a causal relationship, indicating that stronger brand awareness will lead to stronger brand image. It was also found that brand image will influence consumer self-identification with global consumer culture for global sporting apparel brands. Finally, the mediation effect of self-identification with global consumer culture on the relationship between brand image and brand loyalty was found to be fully mediated.
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