Analysis of the Effect of Profitability, Solvability, and Dividend Policy on Banking Firm Value

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Tonny I. Soewignyo


This research was conducted to investigate the effect of profitability, solvability, and dividend policy on the maximization of firm value. In this study, profitability was represented by Return on Equity (ROE) and Return on Assets (ROA), while solvability was examined by the Debt to Equity ratio (DER) and Debt to Assets ratio (DAR). The dividend payout ratio (DPR) was a proxy for the firm’s dividend policy, and firm value was examined by Price to Book Value (PBR). The purpose of this study was  to examine the influence of profitability, solvability, and dividend policy on firm value. The sample included banks listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2012-2014 period with a total of five banks using purposive sampling method. The analysis tool used was multiple regression analysis. Results from an F-test showed that the model has prediction ability of 80.4%, while the remaining 19.6% were influenced by other factors outside of this model. ROE had a significantly positive influence on firm value, implying that higher profitability (ROE) of a firm will result in  higher firm value. However, solvability (DAR) was significantly negative. An increase in solvability (DAR) of a firm will result in lower firm value.

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Research Articles


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