The Relationship between Factors Affecting the Public Mind: Developing a Model for University Students
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The purpose of this research is to develop a model of factors affecting the public mind among university students. The first sample used consisted of 375 students. The second sample was made up of the experimental group, which consisted of 36 students who participated in learning units, and the control group, which consisted of 17 students. The instruments utilized were tests, questionnaires, and evaluation forms. Quantitative data was analyzed in terms of frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and multiple regression. The findings indicated that factors affecting the public mind of students were social support, self-efficacy, and attitude towards the public mind. The multiple correlation coefficient between these factors and the public mind of students was equal to .77. These factors explained 59.4% of the variance of public mind of students. The study also found that knowledge about public mind and the public mind of the experimental group was significantly higher than the control group. The model adopted considering factors affecting the public mind consisted of principles and rationale, objectives, methods of operation, content, and measurement and evaluation.
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