Support and Operational Factors Affecting the Success of Community Enterprises
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Community enterprises are a community economic development model that aims to raise income levels and the quality of life in communities. Their operations focus on strengthening communities, making them more economically self-reliant, using local wisdom and raw materials, and emphasizing cooperation more than competition. The research aimed to investigate the support and operational factors affecting the success of community enterprises by studying a sample of 257 community enterprises in the Upper Northern Region of Thailand. Information was collected using a questionnaire and analyzed using descriptive statistics and structural equation modeling analysis. The results showed that the proposed model and empirical data were coherent and appropriate. The effect of the variables in the proposed model was as follows: 1) community enterprises’ support factors had a direct effect on their success, with a path coefficient of .51 and an indirect effect on their success, with a path coefficient of .29; 2) community enterprises’ operational factors had a direct effect on their success, with a path coefficient of .40. These results may be used to clarify key factors that affect the success of community enterprises and provide guidelines for improving the success of community enterprises.
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