Gen Z Consumers’ Online Shopping Motives, Attitude, and Shopping Intention
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The Internet’s explosive growth has facilitated e-commerce and online retailing development. Consumers also benefit from product and service customization, ease of transactions, and real time interactive communications. Gen Z consumers were the main target respondents in this study due to their growing number and dominance in global markets, including Thailand. This study aimed to investigate whether Gen Z’s online shopping intention would be influenced by such independent variables as hedonic motive, simplicity motive, and usefulness motive. In addition, attitude towards online shopping was hypothesized to mediate the relationship between the independent variables and online shopping intention. The research results were statistically analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling. The analysis revealed that hedonic and usefulness motives had a significant impact on attitude towards online shopping. Furthermore, attitude towards online shopping had a significant impact on online shopping intention. However, simplicity motive did not have a significant impact on attitude towards online shopping. The findings have considerably contributed to marketing practices in the digitally connected world.
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