No Place for “Nature” in the Sustainable Development Concept: The “Lack” of Incorporating Nature–The Case of Thailand

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Nuttapol Sothiratviroj


The objective of this article was to analyze the concept of nature, which is perceived as lacking in sustainable development in Thailand. The discussion of nature is based on the concepts of Naturalism, which considers nature through an ecocentric view, and Materialism, which considers nature as a usable resource. By looking at the example of the Eastern Economic Corridor in Thailand as a sustainable development project and its further deconstruction, this paper recommends that sustainability should be evaluated at two levels. The shallow level is based on the Materialist concept of nature and anthropocentrism. Deep-level sustainability, on the other hand, is based on environmentalism and ecocentrism. Even though deep sustainability is critiqued as being too ideal to deploy at the policy level, the concept is still useful. It could be an alternative discourse that creates space for suppressed sentiments in society.

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