Undergraduate Student Stress, Coping and Resiliency in Thai Higher Education: A Call for a Positive Psychology-Based Intervention

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Douglas Rhein
Ian McDonald


Mental health issues within Asian higher education continue to be problematic for educators, administrators, and policy makers. Within the Thai context, specific concerns surrounding student orientation practices, social and academic culture, and avoidance of psychological treatment tend to lead to a greater prevalence of undiagnosed distress. Student stress, anxiety, and lack of resiliency are detrimental to the adjustment to higher education as well as to the overall education experience. As the prevalence of psychology disorders continues to increase among Thai students, this article calls for the integration of positive psychology-based interventions within the Thai hazing ritual commonly referred to as SOTUS or Rap Nong. The use of specific positive psychology interventions with a culturally integrated focus within the Thai system will increase positive coping strategies, decrease stress and anxiety, and create a more positive learning environment. The development of positive coping mechanisms can be facilitated through the introduction of positive psychology-based interventions within the Thai higher education system.

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