Factors Influencing Viewing Behavior of Streaming Self-produced Movies Among Shanxi Province Chinese College Students
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College students are the core movie consumption group. Based on the theory of planned behavior, movie-viewing preferences and behaviors of 430 college students in Shanxi Province were studied against the background of the rapid rise of original content movies made by streaming media platforms—streaming self-produced movies. Multiple regression analysis was carried out on the factors influencing college students’ movie-viewing behavior. A model was constructed applicable to the movie-viewing behavior relevant to streaming self-produced movies in college students in Shanxi Province. The main results showed that three movie-viewing behaviors of college students (paid viewing, first selection, and recommendation to others) were affected by eight factors to different degrees, namely, film traits, social environment, internet word-of-mouth, perceived cost, perceived usefulness, perceived quality, attitudes to enterprise image, attitudes to movie product. This paper is expected to provide an important reference for development trends and investment decisions adopted for streaming self-produced movies.
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