Analysis of the Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Group Cohesion in a Filipino Emergency Response Team
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The objective of this study was to ascertain the relationship between emotional intelligence and group cohesion among emergency response team members. The hypothesis was that emotional intelligence improves teamwork by increasing the team's cohesiveness. The research methodology used in this study was quantitative (descriptive, correlational, and comparative). A psychometric instrument was used as a survey tool to elicit information about the research participants' characteristics and perceptions. The data were analyzed with Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient to determine the relationship between emotional intelligence and group cohesion. The findings indicated that emergency response teams exhibit emotionally intelligent behaviors at work, except for intuition, emotion, and motivation. On the other hand, it was discovered that their level of group cohesion is relatively high. The group demonstrated collective pride, task commitment, and interpersonal attraction. The analysis revealed that emotional intelligence and group cohesion had a moderately significant relationship with emotion being a strongly correlated component of emotional intelligence. Thus, the claim that emotional intelligence promotes group cohesion was supported.
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