Employment during the COVID-19 Pandemic by the Class of 2020 in Thailand
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The COVID-19 pandemic has created havoc throughout the world that is demonstrated clearly in the tremendous global impacts on economies, businesses, schools, employment, and the way of life. The purpose of this study was to explore the challenges the graduating class of 2020 had encountered in their job search and employment experiences in Thailand, and to gain an understanding as to why they had succeeded in gaining employment amidst the pandemic. Ten university graduates participated in a qualitative study involving in-depth interviews conducted through LINE application calls that lasted between 30 to 45 minutes. Half the participants found job hunting very challenging and stressful, and while some had no problems getting a job, the remainder found it much more difficult. Working remotely, on-site, or in hybrid mode during the pandemic, the majority experienced job security, while the amount of mentorship provided varied. The ability to obtain employment during the pandemic was attributed strongly to their fields of study, working in positions of high demand, and employment gained in low-risk/booming businesses. On top of that, being referred for a job opportunity opened doors for some participants, making it easier for them to get a job when compared with other candidates.
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