Acceptance of Rooftop Solar Technology in Kenya: A Solar Adoption Model for the Main Electricity Grid
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Amongst renewable technologies, solar power has the highest potential as a substitute energy generation option to fossil fuels. However, adoption of rooftop solar technology is still comparatively low. Thus, this paper examined acceptance of rooftop solar technology in Kenya using the Technology Acceptance Model 3 framework. A survey was conducted (N = 402) in two regions of the Kenyan coast, which receive more than 2,000 peak sunlight hours annually. Using Structural Equation Modelling, the analysis revealed self-efficacy, anxiety, occupational relevance, perception of external control, and perceived enjoyment positively influenced perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness. These factors also influenced behavioural intentions and indirectly influenced the actual adoption of rooftop solar technology. The study showed a significant impact of perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness on behavioural intentions towards adoption, which guarantees a reliable energy source and income generation. A majority of respondents (67%) planned to adopt the technology due to its perceived benefits. Solar companies could use these factors to target new niche markets.
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