Parents’ Experiences with Home-Based Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Phenomenological Study

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Sinegugu Katenga
Harvey Burnett
Cheryl H. Logan
Josephine Esther Katenga


The onslaught of COVID-19 placed parents in unfamiliar educational territory. Parents undertook the problematic tasks of instructing, teaching, and supervising their children’s online education. Therefore, this study aimed to explore parents’ experiences with children’s home-based learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. The research used a qualitative phenomenological design to describe parents’ roles, support, and challenges as they homeschooled their children. Purposive sampling methods were used to select 10 female participants for the study. Data collection methods included interviews and one focus group. Data analysis included content and thematic assessment to identify patterns in the data, which were organized to make up the findings of this study. Significant findings encompassed parental roles in students’ learning, the problems with online learning exhibited by students lagging in completing their assignments, and the stress that both students and parents experienced as students learned at home. The study underscored the need for training parents who choose to homeschool their children and the importance of community training centers.

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