Inner Strength and Coping Strategies of Women Victims of Domestic Violence in Cebu City, Philippines

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Roselle A. Jardin
Jucel A. Jaluague


This study focused on the inner strength and coping strategies of women who were victims of domestic violence. A case study method that utilized purposive sampling, interviews, observation, and focus groups was employed to explore the experiences of three women survivors of domestic violence. The findings revealed that they adopted creative strategies to survive by utilizing their inner strength, leading to successful adaptation to difficult situations, and finding meaning amid  abusive relationships through their cherished hopes and dreams of “pag sinabtanay” (peace), “panag-hiusa” (reconciliation) and “matarong ang kinabuhi sa mga anak” (to better the lives of their children). Furthermore, their stories revealed the reasons why they chose to stay in the abusive relationships, namely, (a) the need to protect their children, (b) economic need (lack of shelter and financial support), and (c) strong emotional attachment with their abusive partner who was intermittently kind, and promised that the abuse would never happen again. The women victims’ inner strength stemmed from the need to ensure their children’s security and their faith in God.

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