Gender and Age Differences in Negative Problem Orientation among Palestinian Adolescents

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Khalil Aburezeq
Kasik László


A crucial concept in our understanding of deficiencies in daily life is negative problem orientation, which is a collection of dysfunctional attitudes toward social problem-solving. Until recently, measuring negative problem orientation as a one-factor questionnaire, other than as a subscale in a measure of problem-solving ability, was still rare. This study aimed to find gender and age differences among 12-, 15-, and 18-year-old Palestinian adolescents. A descriptive-analytical approach was adopted. Four hundred and ten adolescents were recruited to respond to the Negative Orientation Questionnaire (NEGORI) questionnaire. The study revealed no differences between Palestinian boys and girls at the age of 12 in the following factors: negative consequences, negative self-efficacy, and habits/patterns. However, fending off the problem, positive consequences, and waiting were more typical among 12-year-old Palestinian girls. In addition, no differences between Palestinian boys and girls at the ages of 15 and 18 were found in fending off the problems, positive consequences, habit/pattern, and waiting. However, the results showed that the negative consequences factor was more typical among 15- and 18-year-old Palestinian girls. Furthermore, no age differences among Palestinian adolescents were reported in the NEGORI factors.

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