Influence of Social Intelligence and Change Readiness on Quality of Work Life

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Rona Beth S. Saban
Rowena Imelda A. Ramos
Rosalie C. Nacar


Today’s organizations aim to establish healthy work environments. Through purposive sampling, 150 participants from two higher educational institutions were selected to explore the factors influencing their quality of work life. The instrument was composed of adapted questions from the Tromsø Social Intelligence Scale, Assessment for Change Readiness, and Work- Related Quality of Life Scale. The findings revealed high levels of   social intelligence and change readiness, along with an average quality of work life. Social intelligence (p = .001) and change readiness (p = < .001) were associated with the quality of work life. Significant differences in quality of work life were also exhibited in terms of educational attainment (p = .045) and work position (p = .022). The results of this study verified these associations with social intelligence, change readiness, and quality of work life. Furthermore, confidence and optimism were the specific subscales that significantly predicted the employee's quality of work life. The study underscored that work has the potential to influence life to a great extent, and thus managers of establishments are urged to create nurturing environments that promote personal advancement, work-life balance, satisfaction, and trusting relationships. These factors critically enhance the quality of work life.

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