Publications of Asia-Pacific International University From 2017 to 2022 in International Conference Proceedings, TCI, and SCOPUS Databases
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This study analyzed faculty publications from Asia-Pacific International University (AIU) that were published in international conference proceedings, Thai-Journal Citation Index (TCI) Centre, and SCOPUS databases over the past five years. From 2017 to 2022, 259 research articles were published by AIU instructors from various academic disciplines. The number of publications fluctuated from year to year and did not show steady growth. Out of 259 articles, the highest number of publications was in TCI journals (46%), followed by conference proceedings (33.2%). The findings further revealed that research articles published in the SCOPUS database had the highest number of citations (64.4%). The largest contribution to articles published in SCOPUS came from the Faculty of Science, accounting for 50%. On average, each article published in SCOPUS received 10.4 citations while an article published in the TCI database had only one citation per article. Thus, an article published in the SCOPUS database had 10 times higher citations than an article published in the other databases. Some implications for AIU instructors’ publication trends were discussed briefly.
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