The Motives for Job-Hopping Among Millennial Employees in Bangkok: A Confirmatory Factors Analysis to Expand the Escape and Advancement Motives
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The objective of this research was to study job-hopping motives among millennial employees in Bangkok. Data were collected from 528 millennial workers and analyzed using a second-order confirmatory factor analysis. The analysis on the job-hopping motives among employees in Bangkok showed that the model was consistent with the empirical data based on the goodness-of-fit indices, which included χ2 = 49.369, df = 24, p = .0017, RMSEA = .045, CFI = .979, TLI = .951, and SRMR = .031. These findings indicated that the motivation behind job-hopping consisted of three factors, namely the escape motive, advancement motive, and a new motive category. As for the new motives, the results indicated that millennial employees may switch jobs due to several reasons, such as considering the convenience of commuting and lodging, feeling fatigued with their current employment, or having a desire to start their own business. These results may be used in beneficial ways by organizations to develop human resource strategies to retain millennial employees.
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