Daily Parenting Hassles of Filipino Teachers
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Parenting is a challenging task, especially when parents also work as teachers. In this study, daily hassles experienced by Filipino teacher-parents were studied, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Parenting Daily Hassles Scale was used to gather responses (N = 371) from teacher-parents serving as the primary caregiver of their children under age 14. Data analysis indicated that most teacher-parents experienced parenting hassles at an Average level, with varied intensity or impact. The behavioral challenges experienced also occurred with Average frequency. The findings of this study have significant implications for the parental landscape in the Philippines, and provide promising directions for future research on the role portrayal of control and discipline in improving child behavior. To address the concerns highlighted in the study, the researchers recommended further examination and research on support strategies to manage children's behavior for Filipino teacher-parents amidst their professional responsibilities. This could help in the development of effective interventions and support programs that may assist parents in fulfilling their roles while dealing with daily parenting challenges. The findings highlighted the need to recognize parenting hassles and challenges, particularly during a pandemic, and the importance of supporting parents in their efforts to raise healthy and well-adjusted children.
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