Intimate Partner Violence and Suicide Attempt Among Women in the Philippines: The Protective Role of Help-Seeking Behavior
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Intimate partner violence is among the leading women’s health issues globally. Hence, the primary aim of this study was to determine if intimate partner violence (IPV) against women is a significant risk factor in suicide attempts, and whether such an association is moderated by help-seeking behavior. A predictive correlational design was employed to determine associations between the variables of interest. The study sample consisted of 1,413 currently married or cohabiting Filipino women with exposure to IPV. In the direct effects model, physical IPV, psychological IPV, and sexual IPV emerged as significant risk factors for suicide attempts. In the moderation analysis, help-seeking behavior did not demonstrate a significant interaction with IPV in predicting suicide attempts. The current data highlight the importance of identifying and screening IPV-abused women in communities who may be at risk of attempting suicide. Additionally, suicide prevention strategies must consider the potential role of help-seeking behavior in increasing the risk of suicide among IPV-abused women.
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