The Mediating Role of Perceived Behavioral Control on the Relationship Between Financial Knowledge and Saving Intention: A Study of Vietnamese University Students
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Young people, particularly university students, are often believed to desire a lifestyle associated with complete enjoyment, leading to money saving issues. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of financial knowledge on the saving intention of Generation Z university students majoring in business and economics in Vietnam, as well as the mediating role of perceived behavioral control in this relationship. Quantitative and qualitative methods were used. The primary data was collected from respondents (N = 625) majoring in business and economics and in Vietnam and analyzed. The results indicated that while financial knowledge did not exert a direct influence on saving intention, perceived behavioral control mediated the relationship between financial knowledge and saving intention. Additionally, there were differences in saving intention among demographic groups, namely, gender, income, financial support from family, and household living arrangement. The results have relevance for educational institutions, financial organizations, and individuals, especially students in the disciplines of business and economics.
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