In Two Different Worlds: Distance Education Narratives of Filipino Learners Living in The Emirates While Studying in the Philippines

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Henry II Lemana
Crizjale V. Ahmad2
Dayanara P. Besa
John Larry G. Geonigo
Almira C. Angkal
John Regnair M. Candalo
Alan A. Maglantay2


As a result of the most recent global health crisis, academic institutions have made significant transitions towards virtual platforms, enabling students to pursue their studies from remote locations while being physically situated elsewhere. Such separation can create a cross-cultural psychological dilemma. The investigation of this phenomenon centered on 12 Filipino senior high school students residing in the United Arab Emirates who studied virtually in educational institutions in the Philippines. They were selected using a purposive, convenience sampling technique. The findings obtained indicated that participants encountered various difficulties during their distance education experiences, such as time zone discrepancies, cultural and linguistic barriers, technological problems, and interruptions from their surroundings. Notwithstanding, the students derived personal advantages from their immersion in the academic and cultural milieu of the Philippines, such as development of their identity and connections, readiness for advanced education, and personal values. Additionally, participants realized the benefits of broadened social networks and developed a heightened recognition of the importance of ongoing education. The findings of this research can be utilized to create effective approaches and support mechanisms to improve the quality of distance education and cross-cultural pedagogical practices.

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