The Impact of Digital Content Quality and Network Externalities on the Development of Young Consumers’ Online Brand Trust and Loyalty

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Khomson Tunsakul


Studies have shown that young consumers continue to be the target of digital marketing communications. They are also a source of revenues from online platforms that provide digital content. This research aimed to investigate whether young consumers’ online brand trust and online brand loyalty would be significantly influenced by such independent variables as creators’ digital content quality and network externalities. The study employed purposive sampling of 402 Thai undergraduate respondents who regularly view contents from their followed or subscribed channels. The research results were statistically analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling. The analysis revealed that creators’ digital content quality (.745, p < .001) and network externalities (.152, p < .001) had a significant impact on online brand trust. Furthermore, online brand trust (.960, p < .001) also had a significant impact on online brand loyalty. The findings provide empirical evidence for social media and digital marketing communications. In addition, the findings reveal that enhancing trust is still crucial to branding.            

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