A Meta-Synthesis of Effective Practices and Outcomes in the Use of Manipulatives for Teaching Mathematics

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Robert Jay Angco
Lubella B. Angco


Use of manipulatives in mathematics classes has yielded compelling evidence of their value in improving several aspects of mathematics education. This report endeavored to gain a clearer picture of their benefits by using a meta-synthesis technique by integrating findings from 12 previous qualitative or mixed methods studies. They were evaluated using the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme and summarized using a PRISMA diagram. Content analysis identified five main themes: (a) activation of classroom engagement and participation, (b) building of confidence and motivation, (c) enhancement of mathematical proficiency, (d) availability and accessibility of varied resources as manipulative, and (e) teachers’ competency and careful planning. A meta-theme that emerged was Optimizing Mathematics Learning with Effective Classroom Resources through Manipulatives. Thematic study revealed that strategically integrating manipulatives into classroom instruction has a favorable influence on student engagement, confidence, motivation, and mathematical ability. By incorporating manipulatives into mathematics instruction, educators may create inclusive, engaging, and dynamic learning environments that encourage deeper conceptual comprehension.

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