School administration for excellenceAbstract
This thesis aims to study the status of the educational administration for excellence.Under the jurisdiction of the Office of the Office of the Secondary Education Region 24, the six aspects are strategic planning. Organizational management Academic administration Budget management Personnel Management General administration And compare the levels of school administration to excellence The research sample consisted of 408 school administrators and teachers using the Krejcie & Morgan and Krejcie & Morgan tables. Simple random sampling and classification based on school status and size. The instruments used in this research were questionnaires with the scale of estimation. The reliability was 0.97. Data were analyzed using computer program. Statistics used in data analysis are frequency, percentage, mean, t-test. And the F test.
The results of the study were as follows:
The level of school management's opinion toward excellence Under the jurisdiction of the Office of the Secondary Education Service Area 24, the overall picture was at a high level. When classified on a side It was found at every level. When considering each side, the average order from descending order is general administration. Strategic planning Organizational management Academic administration Budget management Personnel Management And compare the levels of school administration to excellence Under the jurisdiction of the Office of the Secondary Education Region 24, classified by status, The differences were found in six aspects. The comparison by size of the school found that the strategic planning. Personnel Management General administration not different Corporate Management Academic administration Budget management was significantly different at the 0.05 level.
จรูญ วัฒนา,
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