Development of Model Supervision of Teaching Thai Language in Educational Institutions Under the Office of Buriram Primary Educational Service Area 4
Development of Model, Supervision, Thai Language TeachingAbstract
This research aimed to 1) study the composition 2) to study the desirable current conditions And the need is necessary 3) development of model Supervision of teaching Thai language in educational institutions Under the Office of Buriram Primary Educational Service Area 4. The sample group is divided into 2 groups. The first group 136 persons are School Administrators. Multi-stage random sampling is performed to acquire the sample group. The instrument is 5 scales questionnaire. The second group is used in the qualitative session. The schools which did the best practice about Supervision of Thai Language Teaching by 5 experts. The instrument in this stage is a structural interview protocol. Analysis of basic statistical data And analyze the qualitative data through content analysis method.
The results as follow; 1) The components of Supervision of Thai Language Teaching institutions of 4 components and the assessment in appropriateness was at high level. 2) The current circumstances with the whole picture were at medium level. The desirable characteristics with the whole picture were at highest level. the need for the development Study of current condition Problems and needs, planning and setting options, Evaluation and Report and supervisory operations. 3) Development of Model Supervision of Teaching Thai Language in Educational Institutions Under the Office of Buriram Primary Educational Service Area 4 consists of 5 parts: Part 1, Principles, Concepts and Objectives, Part 2, Method of practice, Part 3 Guidelines for Application, Part 4 Evaluation and Part 5 Conditions for Success The results of the evaluation were found that the model was appropriate and possible at the high level.
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