The Strategies for Effective Human Resource Selection in Acquisition of the Candidate Best Suited for the Job

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สุรศักดิ์ ชะมารัมย์


Human resource selection is a process of human resource management (HRM) that is often done in parallel with human resource recruitment. It is a process by which the organization seeks to use the available tools to determine and decide on the candidate whom has the knowledge, skills, competencies, qualities, and qualities best suited for the job in accordance with the organization needs. Thus, in this article, the author aims to explain the strategies for effective human resource selection in acquisition of the candidate best suited for the Job, includes strategies for Understanding the Job, Developing a Process and Using it consistently, Identifying Valid Tools, Training HR Staff, and Monitoring Your Process. These guidelines are for those who are responsible for human resource selection in various organizations; in particular, Thai government agencies are used as a guideline for considering the acquisition of the candidate best suited for the job.

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How to Cite
ชะมารัมย์ ส. (2017). The Strategies for Effective Human Resource Selection in Acquisition of the Candidate Best Suited for the Job. ARU Research Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(3), 71–78. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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