The Effect of Quality of Work Life and School Culture on The Commitment of Teachers and Educational Personnel in Catholic Schools Under The Education Section of Chanthaburi Diocese.

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Rev.Poonpong Kuna
Dr.Theerangkoon Warabamrungkul
Assoc.Prof. Voraya Phusatwong


The purposes of this research were to study 1) the quality of work life, school culture and the commitment of teachers and educational personnel in catholic schools under the education section of Chanthaburi diocese, 2) the relation between quality of work life with the commitment of teachers and educational personnel and the relation between school culture with the commitment of teachers and educational personnel in catholic schools under the education section of Chanthaburi diocese, and 3) the regression equation of quality of work life and school culture affecting the commitment of teachers and educational personnel in catholic schools under the education section of Chanthaburi diocese. The samples consisted of 309 teachers and educational personnel in catholic schools under the education section of Chanthaburi diocese in academic year of 2017. The research instrument was a five – rating scale questionnaire containing 113 items with IOC validity level of 0.66-1.00, the discrimination level of 0.21-0.81. The questionnaire itself showed the reliability level of 0.97. The descriptive statistics were percentage, mean (x̅), standard deviation (S.D.), the Pearson Product Moment Correlation (rxy), and Multiple Regression Analysis The results of the study were as follows: 1) the quality of work life, School culture and the commitment of teachers and educational personnel in catholic schools under the education section of Chanthaburi diocese were at highest levels. 2) The relation between quality of work life and school culture with the commitment of teachers and educational personnel were positively and relatively correlated, showing the statistical significance at the .01 level and the relation between school culture with the commitment of teachers and educational personnel in catholic schools under the education section of Chanthaburi diocese were positively and relatively correlated, showing the statistical significance at the .01 level. 3) The regression equation of the quality of work life and school culture affecting the commitment of teachers and educational personnel in catholic schools under the education section of Chanthaburi diocese showed the aspects of acceptance of sense of community (XS4), caring (XS8), integrity (XS9) and the security and professional growth (XQ3) with the multiple correlation co-efficient level of 0.84, The result could show the 71 percent of the prediction power towards the commitment of teachers and educational personnel in catholic schools under the education section of Chanthaburi diocese. There was statistically significant relation at .01 level and the result could create prediction equation of regression equation as follows: raw score prediction equation result of Ŷ= 0.37+0.35XS4+0.22XS8+0.24XS9+0.10XQ3 and standard scores prediction equation result of Ζ=0.36XS4+0.25XS8+0.24XS9+0.12XQ3
 create prediction equation of regression equation as follows: raw score prediction equation result of Ŷ= 0.37+0.35XS4+0.22XS8+0.24XS9+0.10XQ3 and standard scores prediction equation result of Ζ=0.36XS4+ 0.25XS8+0.24XS9+0.12XQ3

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How to Cite
Kuna, R., Warabamrungkul, D., & Phusatwong, A. (2020). The Effect of Quality of Work Life and School Culture on The Commitment of Teachers and Educational Personnel in Catholic Schools Under The Education Section of Chanthaburi Diocese. Saengtham College Journal, 12(1), 132–163. Retrieved from
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