The Roles and Responsibilities of an Article Writer

1. The article for publishing consideration must have not been published in any other platform before. And the article must not be identical or repeated to the existing ones.
2. The content of the article must correspond to the journal’s objectives.
3. No plagiarism in the article.
4. The writer must cite the references from other resources if the writer adopt those information to the article such as illustration or information tables.
5. The writer must examine the validity of cited resources in both format and contents.
6. The writer must adjust the writing format and the font size according to the journal’s template.
7. For those who have their names displayed on the articles as writers, everyone must genuinely contribute to writing the article.
8. The writer must indicate the source of funding which supports the research, and/or indicate a conflict of interest and inform the publication department if there is one.
9. The writer should not cite any academic resources which the writer has not really inspected to his article or references. And the writer should cite a sufficed number of references. There should not be too many references at once.
10. The writer should be permitted by those who are willing to be credited in an acknowledgment section before doing so.
11. In the article, the writer must not report the information which is inaccurate to the factual information. Information forgery, false claiming, distortion, exaggeration, and displaying corresponding information to the conclusion only are forbidden.
12. If the article is a research study or human and animal experiment, and since the human experiment can impact an individual’s prestige, right, safety, and health, please attach the ethics certificate of human and animal study from the human and animal research ethics committee. By all means, the finalized approval for publication depends on the consideration of the publication department.

The Roles and Responsibilities of a Journal’s Editor

1. The editor assesses the article’s quality for publication to his own journal. And does not publish an article which has already been publicized in other platforms.
2. The editor must not reveal the personal information of the article writer and the assessor to other unrelated parties.
3. The editor assesses the article which has a validated research methodology and reliable study’s findings. The editor takes the research’s findings as an indicator if the article should be published or not.
4. The editor must not have a conflict of interest with the writer and the assessor.
5. The editor must seriously examine plagiarism in the article.
6. If there is a plagiarism found in the article, the editor must terminate the assessment and contact the writer for a decision of acceptance or rejection.
7. If there is illegal plagiarism or information forgery which the article should be rejected, but the writer denies the claim, the editor can reject the article without any consent from the writer. This is the editor’s right and responsibility for the publication.

The Roles and Responsibilities of an Assessor

1. The assessor must not reveal the information of the article to any other unrelated parties during the process of assessment.
2. If the assessor has a conflict of interest with an article writer, this must be informed to the publication department and the article must be rejected.
3. The assessor should consider the article which is related to his own expertise. And if there is any identical or repetitive information to any existing articles, the evaluator must inform the publication department.