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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The article must not have been published in any journal before. And must not be in the process of being submitted for publication in other journals From the date of submission to the academic journal editorial staff Saengtham College
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Recommendations and Conditions in Article Drafting for Saengtham College’s Academic Journal (The Fields of Philosophy, Religion, Theology and Education)

Article Drafting
          The draft is an academic article related to philosophy, religion, theology, and education. The article must have not been published in any other platforms before. Also, the article must contain complete contents. The draft is typed via Microsoft Word for Windows in Thai or English on one-page A4 paper with 28 lines per 1 page. The font for both Thai and English is TH Sarabun PSK with 16 font size. Page numbers have to be added from the beginning to the end of the article.


Recommendations for Article Drafting

          1. Topic/Article: The topic of the article should be brief. The topic must be in both Thai and English typed in bold with 18 font size. The research article’s maximum length is at 12 pages while the academic article is at 8 pages (references included).

          2. Name/Surname: For every writer who contributes to the research, each of full writers’ names and surnames are included in both Thai and English. The names are arranged by the amount of contribution toward the article. The font size is 16. As for the thesis (dissertation), the name of advisor’s affiliation must be included in both Thai and English with 16 font size.

          3. Affiliation: Specify the affiliation in both Thai and English with 16 font size.

          4. Email: Only the main writer(s)’ email is included.

          5. Abstract: Displayed in both Thai and English. Summarize the major content of the article with brief format and completed sentences. The article’s objectives, research methodology, findings, and conclusion should be included. The abstract must be written as a composition without any abbreviations.

          6. Keywords: No more than five keywords, displayed in both Thai and English.

          7. Introduction: This is the major part leading to the research, background of study,the importance of the research, literature review and the research’s objectives. Information table and graphical information should not be added.

          8. Objectives: This is the part which indicates what the researcher wants to study in a specific manner. After the completion of the study, the finding must correspond to every designated objectives.

          9. Research’s Hypothesis: This part is optional to be included. It displays expectations of the study’s finding or logical measurements to the answers of the research in advance.

          10. Conceptual Framework: This part is optional to be included. The conceptual framework is developed from the literature review.

          11. Research Methodology: Briefly and clearly describe instruments and research procedures. Provide the details about the study’s subject, numbers/amount, instruments/equipment for the research, research instruments’ quality, study’s format, sampling methods, measurement method, data accumulation method and data analysis method.

          12. Findings: Briefly summarize the finding that corresponds to the research’s objectives. If it is a quantitative research which requires information table or graph to be shown, the description should be added below. The arrangement of graphical information, table or graph should be organized according to the content of the research. And there must be interpretation or analysis of research’s finding also.

          13. Discussion: This must be written corresponding to the arrangement of finding part. And concluding the finding of the research is to review if the finding corresponds or conflicts to the prior hypothesis. Also refer to the factual information, theory, and any finding from other research. And the researcher has to logically explain his own concept to the finding of the research.

          14. Conclusion and Recommendation: The major content of the research should be concluded without ambiguity. And the writer concludes if the finding corresponds to the research’s objectives or not, and how it does. And should provide recommendation and additional suggestion for developing the research in the future or guideline for further study.

          15. References: This indicates the source of information which is referred to the research. This part proves that plagiarism and information violation are avoided. The reference is in APA (American Psychological Association) format. Separate the references from Thai and English (Organize the references according to alphabetical order).

          16. The payment for the article assessment: The writer who submits the article must pay as an assessment fee. The payment is 3,000 Baht. The writer can transfer the payment of 3,000 baht to the saving account of Bangkok Bank, Samphran’s branch. The account name: “Saengtham College’s Academic Journal”, Account No. 734-0-27562-2. (Please transfer the receipt of transfer to rcrc.saengtham2016@gmail.com). (And there is no refund in every ) The publication department will propose the article to the experts for quality assessment before publication. In case of article revision, the writer has to revise the article within 15 days from the date that the assessment result is received.


The Criteria for Research Article/Academic Article Assessment of Saengtham College’s Academic Journal

          1. Every submitted article will be read and assessed by at least three field experts through double-blind peer assessment.

          2. Approval or rejection of the article publication is the right of publication department. And the department will not take any responsibility in the content and the validity of every submitted article.

          3. The publication department would like to reserve the copyright in revising the format of the submitted article for publication. The department may return the article draft to the writer for revision or reprint the new draft, depending on cases.

          4. The validity of written language and writing format is the responsibility of the writer. The publication department will send the article to the experts for assessment only if the written language and writing format are valid.

          5. In case the assessment result specifies further revision before publication, the writer must complete the revision and send the revised version to the publication department within 15 days (or designated deadline by the department).


Research Article/Academic Article Submission for Publication in Saengtham College’s Academic Journal

          1. Fill out all of the information in SCJ-1 form.

          2. If there are more than one article writers, fill out every writer’s information in SCJ-2 form.

          3. Organize the article following the template of Saengtham College’s Academic Journal.

          4. Submit the article to publication department of Saengtham College’s Academic Journal. The article can be submitted to Thai Journals Online (ThaiJO) via https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/scj


Required Attachments for Research Article/Academic Article Submission


Note: For more information, please contact the publication department of journal’s article.
          Tel. 02-429-0100-3 Fax. 02-429-0819 or e-mail: rcrc.saengtham2016@gmail.com