A Study of Service Quality, Perceived Value, Elements of Tourist Attractions Influencing the Satisfaction of Tourists Visiting Attractions in Sukhothai Province A Study of Service Quality, Perceived Value, Elements of Tourist Attractions Influencing the Satisfaction of Tourists Visiting Attractions in Sukhothai Province

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Pakasupa Petcharatpaporn


The objectives of this research were to study Service quality, Perceived value, Elements of tourist attractions (4As) influencing the satisfaction of tourists visiting attractions in Sukhothai province. Use Non-probability Sampling and Purposive Sampling. The sample consisted of 398 Thai tourists who were 20 years old or more and visited attractions in Sukhothai province. The research instrument was a questionnaire (online). The inferential statistics used Multiple Regression. The findings were the factor of tourist attractions (4As) influence the satisfaction of tourists visiting the Sukhothai province the most, followed by the perceived value factors influence the satisfaction of tourists visiting the Sukhothai province respectively. As for the service quality factors do not influence the satisfaction of tourists visiting the Sukhothai province with a significant at the level of .05.

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How to Cite
Petcharatpaporn, P. . (2021). A Study of Service Quality, Perceived Value, Elements of Tourist Attractions Influencing the Satisfaction of Tourists Visiting Attractions in Sukhothai Province: A Study of Service Quality, Perceived Value, Elements of Tourist Attractions Influencing the Satisfaction of Tourists Visiting Attractions in Sukhothai Province. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Thepsatri Rajabhat University Journal, 12(2), 65–80. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/truhusocjo/article/view/242736
Research Article
Author Biography

Pakasupa Petcharatpaporn, คณะบริหารธุรกิจและเทคโนโลยี สาขาวิชาการจัดการโรงแรมและการท่องเที่ยว มหาวิทยาลัยนานาชาติแสตมฟอร์ด

Faculty of Business Administration and Technology Program in Hotel and Tourism Management


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