Guiedlines for Teacher Students Preparation of Rajabhat University in Northeastern Thailand of The Knowledge Professional Autonomy Based on Competency แนวทางการผลิตนักศึกษาวิชาชีพครู มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏในภาคตะวันออกเฉียงเหนือ ตามมาตรฐานความรู้วิชาชีพครู ฐานสมรรถนะ

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Khobfah Chancharoen


         This research aimed 1) To study the current conditions of Teacher Students Preparation of Rajabhat University in Northeastern Thailand of The Knowledge Professional Autonomy Based on Competency 2) To analyze the composition of Teacher Students Preparation and 3) to find and evaluate Guidelines for Teacher Students Preparation. The research data were 1) documentary; concepts, theories and research, 2) Senior Executive, Faculty of Education in The Northeast Select a simple random sample 700 persons 3) Qualified components, sub-components, and indicators Rajabhat University in Northeastern Thailand Select a simple random sample from representatives of Khurusapha (The Teachers’ Council of Thailand), Faculty of Education and the Office of Basic Education, 9 persons to confirm the main composition model. 4) Qualified persons Rajabhat University in Northeastern Thailand Select a specific sample to evaluate Guidelines for Teacher Students Preparation. The data were the document, the interview and the questionnaire. The qualitative data was analyzed by content analysis and the quantitative data used Frequency, Percentage, Mean, Standard deviation, Median, Interquartile Range and Confirm Factoring Analysis (CFA) to analyze.

          The research results were found; Guidelines for Teacher Students Preparation of Rajabhat University in Northeastern Thailand of The Knowledge Professional Autonomy Based on Competency consists of 1) inputs in the production of professional students, teachers, 2) Teacher Students Preparation process 3) Productivity of Teacher Students Preparation 4) Reflected on Teacher Students Preparation 5) The Knowledge Professional Autonomy Based on Competency include Content Knowledge, Learning Management, Self Actualization for Teachers, and Community Relationships. Evaluation of Guidelines for Teacher Students Preparation of Rajabhat University in Northeastern Thailand of The Knowledge Professional Autonomy Based on Competency. The four performance bases were 1) accuracy, 2) suitability, 3) feasibility, and 4) the usefulness of Guidelines for Teacher Students Preparation of Rajabhat University in Northeastern Thailand. All components are suitable and very useful.

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How to Cite
Chancharoen, K. (2021). Guiedlines for Teacher Students Preparation of Rajabhat University in Northeastern Thailand of The Knowledge Professional Autonomy Based on Competency: แนวทางการผลิตนักศึกษาวิชาชีพครู มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏในภาคตะวันออกเฉียงเหนือ ตามมาตรฐานความรู้วิชาชีพครู ฐานสมรรถนะ. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Thepsatri Rajabhat University Journal, 12(1), 127–142. Retrieved from
Research Article


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