Factors Affecting Consumer Decisions Restaurants Awarded Michelin Star in Thailand Factors Affecting Consumer Decisions Restaurants Awarded Michelin Star in Thailand

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Puri Chunkajorn


This study aimed to study the behavior of the Michelin Star award restaurant consumers in Thailand, to study the level of opinion on the service marketing mix factors (8Ps) of the Michelin star award restaurants of consumers in Thailand, to study the level of opinions on the decision to use the Michelin Star award restaurant of consumers in Thailand and to study the factors influencing the decision of consumers who used the service of Michelin-starred restaurants in Thailand. The study was carried out by a group of 400 Michelin Star restaurant customers and who used to serve at Michelin Star Award restaurants. The tools used in this collection were online questionnaire. The data were analyzed by computer software package. The results of the data analysis were as follows; study of Michelin star award restaurant service behavior of consumers in Thailand found that the most of the consumers choosed 2 Michelin Star award restaurants rather than 1 star and the frequency of using the Michelin star award restaurant was less than or equal to 1 time per month, including the cost of using the Michelin star award restaurant, average per person per visit more than or equal to 2,001 baht, during the days or times when consumers choosed to use restaurants, the most popular Michelin star awards included weekend and would go to use the service with the lover the most. The study of marketing mix factors found that service marketing mix factors (8Ps): product and service, price, place/ distribution channel, promotion communication, people, physical evidence, process and productivity and quality were a factors that affected the decision of consumers who used the Michelin Star restaurant of consumers in Thailand with statistical significance at .05 level. 

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How to Cite
Chunkajorn, P. (2021). Factors Affecting Consumer Decisions Restaurants Awarded Michelin Star in Thailand: Factors Affecting Consumer Decisions Restaurants Awarded Michelin Star in Thailand. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Thepsatri Rajabhat University Journal, 12(2), 145–160. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/truhusocjo/article/view/245528
Research Article


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