Digital Citizens and The Dimensions of Political and Social Engagement

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Punnida Ubpanong
Angkana Onthanee
Jakkrit Jantakoon


The political and social participation of citizens in the digital age must take into account all dimensions of life, both in the real world and in the virtual world, that connect human beings to interact quickly, resulting in the status of human beings. Membership of society is not limited to citizenship that is divided along the border of each country. Or people who have rights and duties as citizens of a particular country Or people under the same rulership and having the same culture, but expanding the scope to "Digital Citizenship", which must take into account the correct and appropriate norms of behavior when using technology. Therefore, citizens' political and social participation changes according to the context of change, it is necessary to know how to use the Internet's potential for political and social participation. The Internet is both a tool for increasing political participation, such as the use of the Internet to listen to public opinion before legislation. E-Voting or online petition As the above information shows, everything on the Internet. Create a virtual world community Digital technology has become the fifth human factor, allowing humans to enter a new technological paradigm, resulting in a change in human behavior.

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How to Cite
Ubpanong, P. ., Onthanee, A. ., & Jantakoon, J. . (2022). Digital Citizens and The Dimensions of Political and Social Engagement. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Thepsatri Rajabhat University Journal, 13(2), 173–188. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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