A Computer-Based Testing System Construction with Immediate Feedback to Enhance Higher-Order Thinking Skills for Different Student’s Ability Levels: An Application of RISE Model

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Chuthaphon Masantiah


This study aimed to construct the computer-based testing system with immediate feedback by applying the RISE model and study the outcomes of computer-based testing system with immediate feedback by applying the RISE model. Population were 212 students of the Faculty of Education Ramkhamhaeng University who registered in class of MER 2003 in academic year of 2563. Research instruments were 1. pre-test and post-test of higher-order thinking skill, 2. computer-based testing system with immediate feedback, and 3. questionnaire for participants to evaluate their experience with testing system. The descriptive statistics used in data analysis were percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The finding revealed that: 1. As participants were asked to evaluate their experience with testing system, the system was very high quality. And 2. Participants were at moderate level of higher-order thinking skill as average score of posttest was 12.13 out of 24 (50.54%). According to the study, participants who received feedback by applying the RISE Model gained more posttest score than pretest score. The participants who received feedback which were applied RISE Model gained more post-test score than the participants who received corrective feedback

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How to Cite
Masantiah, C. . (2022). A Computer-Based Testing System Construction with Immediate Feedback to Enhance Higher-Order Thinking Skills for Different Student’s Ability Levels: An Application of RISE Model. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Thepsatri Rajabhat University Journal, 13(1), 1–16. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/truhusocjo/article/view/248030
Research Article


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