Guidelines for the development of health tourism attractions according to the standards of the Ministry of Tourism and Sports at Ban Nam Phu Ron Nong Ya Plong District Phetchaburi Province

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Patyos Phetwong
Khame Aphiphattharawarodom


    The research on development of health tourism attractions according to the standards of the Ministry of Tourism and Sports at Ban Nam Phu Ron Nong Ya Plong District Phetchaburi Province is a qualitative research aiming to study guidelines for developing tourist attractions according to the Ministry of Tourism and Sports standards in the category of health tourism attractions Data collection was conducted using in-depth interviews and 10 items open-ended questionnaire triangulated with 24 key informants including: 1 member of Nong Yang Klat Tai Sub-district Administrative Organization, 1 village headman, 10 villagers of Ban Nam Phu Ron community, 12 tourists visiting Ban Nam Phu Ron community. They were sampled by purposive sampling technique. Data analysis employed descriptive analysis.

    The results of the research were as follows: first, there are two factors influencing the development: 1) the main standard of health tourism attractions 2) the potential of being a natural hot spring health tourism attraction. Second, there are two approaches to health: 1) Water Quality Management Approach and 2) Environmental and Ecosystem Management Approach.

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How to Cite
Phetwong, P. ., & Aphiphattharawarodom, K. . (2022). Guidelines for the development of health tourism attractions according to the standards of the Ministry of Tourism and Sports at Ban Nam Phu Ron Nong Ya Plong District Phetchaburi Province. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Thepsatri Rajabhat University Journal, 13(3), 113–124. Retrieved from
Research Article


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