The Effectiveness of the Government’s 50:50 Co-payment Scheme in Muang District Lopburi Province

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Jarinya Punchalak


     The research aimed 1) to study implementation factors of the Government’s 50:50 Co-payment Scheme in Muang District Lopburi Province, 2) to study the effectiveness of the Government’s 50:50 Co-payment Scheme in Muang District Lopburi Province, and 3) to study the factors affecting the effectiveness of the Government’s 50:50 Co-payment Scheme in Muang District Lopburi Province. The sample group used in this research was the 400 stores participating the Government’s 50:50 Co-payment Scheme in Muang District. Lopburi Province. The samples were recruited by stratified sampling method. The research instrument was a (จำนวนข้อ)-item questionnaire. The statistics used in the research were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and multiple regression analysis.

    The results found that 1) The overall level of the government’s 50:50 co-payment scheme implementation factor in Muang District Lopburi Province is at a high level. When considering each aspect sorted in descending order, the study shows as follows: technology applied, project transparency, fairness and equality, accessibility and services, and the convenience and degree of speed. 2) The overall level of effectiveness in implementing the government’s 50:50 co-payment scheme in Muang District Lopburi Province is at a high level. When considering each aspect, the study shows as follows: how useful the government’s 50:50 co-payment scheme would be to your shop? Next, the duration of implementation of the government’s 50:50 co-payment scheme should be extended. And the least is that how much does the government’s 50:50 co-payment scheme can distribute income to small entrepreneurs?, And 3) factors affecting the effectiveness of the government’s 50:50 co-payment scheme in Muang District Lopburi Province, it is found that fairness and equality, the convenience received, the project transparency, and technology applied are statistically significant factors affecting the effectiveness of the government’s 50:50 co-payment scheme at the .05 level.

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How to Cite
Punchalak, J. (2022). The Effectiveness of the Government’s 50:50 Co-payment Scheme in Muang District Lopburi Province. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Thepsatri Rajabhat University Journal, 13(3), 125–140. Retrieved from
Research Article


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