Knowledge of Thai Composition: Subsak Duriyapaneet

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Supanut Nutmakul


     This research aims to study the knowledge of Thai compositions by Mr. Subsak Duriyapaneet. The researcher found that Mr.Subsak Duriyapaneet is an important figure who retained the knowledge of various aspects of the "Duriyapaneet" family, especially the knowledge of Thai compositions that should be studied very seriously. The researcher chose the research tool, which is an unstructured interview. It consisted of 4 aspects: 1. knowledge of Thai compositions, 2. experience in Thai compositions and Thai compositions, 3. principles of Thai compositions, and 4. Thai compositions strategies. The researcher collected data from documents, textbooks, related research, note taking from interviews of the population and target informants. Data obtained were separately analyzed as to visualize them into subsections, to verify and reaffirm its validity. Then, data were analyzed all the subsections as to give an overview. Data were also synthesized qualitatively. The result discussion was descriptively composed, and data on knowledge of Thai compositions were reorganized.

     The results showed that: 1. knowledge of Thai compositions is accumulated from the experiences and implementation, 2. the experience in Thai compositions and Thai composition works can be traced back in 1978 up until the present day. His most recent work is the solo composition of the song Ahia Sam Chan, which winning 2 instruments awards including Kong Wong Yai and Ra Nad Tum, 3. the principles of Thai song compositions are "9 KNOWs", including: 1) Know the principles, 2) Know the overblown face 3) Know the gong hand 4) Know the sound ladder 5) Know the accent 6) Know the reason 7) Know yourself 8) Know the instrumentalist 9) Know the listeners, 4. Thai compositional strategies are to expand the principles into exemplification of melody composed to illustrate the reasons and strategies chosen in each melody.

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How to Cite
Nutmakul , S. . (2022). Knowledge of Thai Composition: Subsak Duriyapaneet. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Thepsatri Rajabhat University Journal, 13(3), 189–204. Retrieved from
Research Article


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