An Analysis of Speech Acts of Cultural Tourism Public Relation in Western Part of Thailand in Social Media

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Ratree Chamniyom
Pirawit Pulkhetrwit
Pornsawan Careanhongsa


This article aims to collect the information on cultural tourism public relation and analyze the speech acts that appear in cultural tourism public relation in western part of Thailand. Qualitative research was conducted by collecting the data from public relation for cultural tourism in western part of Thailand, consisting of 5 provinces: Kanchanaburi, Tak, Prachuap Khiri Khan, Phetchaburi, and Ratchaburi through social media. The purpose sampling method was conducted. The instrumentation included speech act records: the assertive speech act, directive speech act, expressive speech act, and declarative speech act. The descriptive analysis was applied as to analyze data obtained.  The results of the study revealed that twenty pieces of cultural tourism public relations in the western Thailand can be categorized into 4 categories including, group 1: Assertive Speech Acts was divided into 4 sub-categories including lecture, confirmation, reporting, and conclusion. The second group is Directives Speech Acts, divided into 2 sub-categories including introduction and command. The third category is the Expressive Speech Acts with one sub-category of compliment. The last category is the Declarative Speech Acts with one sub-category of nomination. For textual structure, tourism public relation text mostly begin with Assertive Speech Acts for the lecture. In the body section, the Directive Speech Acts with the sub-category introduction was found the most which focused on promoting the major tourist attractions in the western region to attract tourists who are interested in.

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How to Cite
Chamniyom, R. ., Pulkhetrwit, P., & Careanhongsa, P. (2023). An Analysis of Speech Acts of Cultural Tourism Public Relation in Western Part of Thailand in Social Media. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Thepsatri Rajabhat University Journal, 14(1), 127–142. Retrieved from
Research Article


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