Implementation of the Elderly Care Policy: Case Study of the Elderly with Dependencies in Sapphaya District, Chai Nat Province

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Paisan Khunvised
Supachai Yavaprabhas


   This research aimed to study the success factors affecting success, obstacles and approaches to implementing the dependent elderly care policy in Sappaya District Chainat Province. The purposive sampling technique was applied to recruit 81 samples from 9 different local administrative organizations, and 392 samples from the dependent older people or their relatives. The research tools were questionnaires and structured interviews chosen purposively from 45 samples from the administrators and practitioners of the long-term care service support fund, 6 samples from the policy advocates at the district and provincial level, and 9 samples from the dependent older people or their relatives. Data analysis applied included descriptive statistics, content analysis, and internal consistency analysis.  The results showed that 1. implementation of the dependent elderly care policy had success in service provision at high level; 2. the factor most contributing to success was the attitude of the sub-committee on provision of long-term care services for the dependent elderly as well as participation of agencies and stakeholders in the area; 3. Organizational obstacles in implementing the policy lack of support from LAO administrators, including the redundancy in information management system that separate the practice between the NHSO and public health. As for the dependent elderly, it was found that there was a lack of accurate understanding of the service system and 4. guidelines for developing policy implementation to increase efficiency is that the policy should be presented to relevant government agencies. These agencies should jointly communicate the policy to the public. Moreover, information systems should be consolidated so that they can be used for policy decision-making at all levels.

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How to Cite
Khunvised, P., & Yavaprabhas, S. . (2023). Implementation of the Elderly Care Policy: Case Study of the Elderly with Dependencies in Sapphaya District, Chai Nat Province. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Thepsatri Rajabhat University Journal, 14(2), 71–88. Retrieved from
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