Patronage Relationship Community Leader and People Affecting Political Participation in Hua Chang Sub-district, Uthumphon Phisai District, Sisaket Province

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Sutewee Kongkoon


   The objectives of this research were 1. to study the patronage relationship between community leaders and people 2. to study the model and structure of social network and 3. to study the patronage relationship between community leaders and people that affects political participation in Hua Chang Sub-district, Uthumphon Phisai District, Sisaket Province. The sample groups used in this research were 400 samples from 11 communities of Hua Chang Sub-district, Uthumphon Phisai District, Sisaket Province, who were randomized with the use of cluster random sampling method. The instrument used in data collection was a 25 item questionnaire with a confidence value of 0.95. The statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation.  The findings revealed that overall opinions were at a high level with regards to the patronage relationship community leader and people affecting political participation in Hua Chang Sub-district, Uthumphon Phisai District, Sisaket Province. Examining each aspect, the following findings were explored. 1. For the patronage relationship between community leaders and people, community leaders are inclined to establish a direct connection with their fellow community members, engaging in face-to-face interactions regularly and at every possible opportunity. 2. For the mode and structure of patronage social networks of the community leaders and members, it is found that the pattern of mutual aid is characterized according to mutual dependence within the community. Last, 3. The patronage relationship between community leaders and people that affects political participation shows that community leaders cooperate with the government, it is found that community leaders cooperate with the government in disseminating knowledge about democratic governance to people in the community.      

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Kongkoon, S. . (2024). Patronage Relationship Community Leader and People Affecting Political Participation in Hua Chang Sub-district, Uthumphon Phisai District, Sisaket Province. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Thepsatri Rajabhat University Journal, 15(1), 17–32. Retrieved from
Research Article


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