Effects of Learning Management Via Experiential Learning Approach on Social Consciousness for Undergraduate Degree Students, Bachelor of Education (Social Studies)

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Suntorn Onrit
Chairat Tosila


   This research aimed to: 1. compare the social consciousness of undergraduate social studies students before and after implementing a learning management approach based on experiential learning, and 2. evaluate the social consciousness of these students after applying the experiential learning approach. The sample consisted of 26 third-year undergraduate students majoring in Social Studies from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Thepsatri Rajabhat University, selected through a cluster random sampling method. The research instruments included the course plan for the "Global Perspective" subject, the learning unit on "Coexistence in Society" utilizing the experiential learning approach, and a social consciousness assessment. Data were analyzed using mean, standard deviation, and dependent t-tests.   The research findings were as follows: 1. The social consciousness of undergraduate social studies students significantly increased after participating in the experiential learning approach, with  a statistical significance level of .05. 2. The mean score of social consciousness post-intervention indicated a high level of social consciousness among the students.

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How to Cite
Onrit, S., & Tosila, C. (2024). Effects of Learning Management Via Experiential Learning Approach on Social Consciousness for Undergraduate Degree Students, Bachelor of Education (Social Studies). Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Thepsatri Rajabhat University Journal, 15(2), 83–98. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/truhusocjo/article/view/269663
Research Article


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