The Administrative Guidelines Based on Special Education Center Quality Standard of Provincial Special Education, Quality Promotion Network 6, Special Education Bureau

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Witsarut Kaewsawing
Sunchai Chucheep
Chalermchai Hankla


   The objectives of this research are to: 1. study the current conditions and desired outcomes of operations according to the quality standards of the Special Education Center under Quality Promotion Network 6, Special Education Bureau; 2. analyze the needs and requirements for management according to these quality standards; and 3. develop management guidelines in line with the quality standards of the Special Education Center within Quality Promotion Network 6. The population for this study included school administrators and teachers from the Provincial Special Education Center Network Group for Promoting the Effectiveness of Special Education Centers in Network Group 6, consisting of 10 school administrators and 198 teachers. The research instruments included a 57 item questionnaire on opinions regarding administrative evaluation according to the quality standards of the Special Education Center, and a semi-structured interview form with 12 questions. Data were analyzed using percentages, means, standard deviations, and the necessary index value (PNI Modified). Content analysis was conducted using descriptive writing.  The study results identified the following four areas requiring development: 1. Factors: Places for vocational skills training for people with disabilities; 2. Processes: Forms of participation in the assessment process; 3. Productivity: Supervising and monitoring student development according to individual education management plans; and 4. Outcomes: Enabling educational institution administrators to lead the Special Education Center in achieving external quality certification equal to or higher than the specified target values, consistently.

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How to Cite
Kaewsawing , W., Chucheep, S. ., & Hankla, C. . (2024). The Administrative Guidelines Based on Special Education Center Quality Standard of Provincial Special Education, Quality Promotion Network 6, Special Education Bureau. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Thepsatri Rajabhat University Journal, 15(2), 19–36. Retrieved from
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