Using Cartoon to Enhance English Language Competency and Awareness of Local Values: The case study of Lop Buri Local Legend

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Pichitra Iamsamai


   This research aims to: 1. create English language cartoon media based on the legends of Lop Buri, 2. compare English language proficiency and understanding before and after using the English language cartoon media based on the legends of Lop Buri, and 3. study user satisfaction with the English language cartoon media based on the legends of Lop Buri. The sample group consisted of 34 English major students at Thepsatri Rajabhat University enrolling in the Local Studies course in English for the first semester of the 2023 academic year. The research tools included four English cartoon stories based on the legends of Lop Buri, a 40-item knowledge test, and a 10-item satisfaction questionnaire. The statistics used for data analysis included the index of item-objective congruence (IOC), mean, and standard deviation.  The research results showed that: 1. Four English cartoon stories based on the legends of Lop Buri were created, with the media quality rated at the highest level, with an average score of 4.73. 2. A comparison of English knowledge and understanding before and after using the English cartoon media about the legends of Lop Buri showed a statistically significant increase  in scores at the 0.05 level. And 3. User satisfaction with the English cartoon media based on the legends of Lop Buri was at the highest level, with an average score of 4.56.

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How to Cite
Iamsamai, P. (2024). Using Cartoon to Enhance English Language Competency and Awareness of Local Values: The case study of Lop Buri Local Legend. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Thepsatri Rajabhat University Journal, 15(2), 181–196. Retrieved from
Research Article


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